The Board of Directors of Al-Harah Theater consists of seven members who are distinguished community activists with expertise in various fields. They were elected by the general assembly of the theater on October 6, 2023, and their term lasts for two years. The members are:

Jiries Abu Ghannam


Master's degree in Media and Communication
Assistant to the President for International and Public Relations Affairs at Palestine Ahliya University

Jihan Zidan


Master in Democracy and Human Rights

Head of the Visual Rehabilitation Department at the Bethlehem Arab Rehabilitation Society

Charlie Zidan


Master in Human Development and International Cooperation

Program Officer at Médecins du Monde Switzerland

Shireen Khamis


Master of Public Administration

Director of Marketing and Media at Caritas Children's Hospital

Muhammad Al-Qaisi


Master of Social Work

Director of Programs and Projects at Médecins du Monde Switzerland

Nancy Atallah


Diploma in Digital Journalism

Media presenter at Mawwal Radio

Yazan Al-Zubaidy


Master in Development and International Cooperation

Director of Marketing and Communications at Bethlehem University