A six years old girl who lives with her parents in a remote village very far from the city, the village is linked with the city through by a very long tiny road with a gate near their house.

The girl loves to help people very much and she has a dream to get a doll, but her father can’t afford her a big doll during to his small income that he obtains from selling vegetables at the city market.

Something strange happened to her which enabled her to get this big doll, what is it? Let us see in the play.

Based on the story of Mirabel

Directed by                            Mohammed Awwad

Adaptation                             Mohammed Awwad

Actress                                   Christin Hodali

Music selection                        Mohammed Awwad

Set                                        Mohammed Awwad, Fayrouz Nastas , Christin Hodali

Technician                               Issam Rishmawi

Production Management             Marina Barham

Produced by                             Al-Harah Theater 2011