“Bala Batteekh” is not only a play, it is also the reality of every young person who graduated from university and dreamt of having a convenient job, whether in the public or the private sector. However, found him/herself unemployed after being haunted by the ghost of corruption and nepotism.
The play portrays the daily life of a Palestinian young family and its struggle with the difficult economic situation on one hand, and their continuous attempts to challenge this reality which is full of obstacles and barriers in order to earn their daily bread and make a living.
Let’s have a sneak peek look at the life of Kareem and his wife Yasmeen. We could find their experience similar to ours, we could find it inspiring or it might give us hope in a better future.
Written by: Mirna Sakhleh
Directed by: Nicola Zreineh
Actors: Rezeq Ibrahim | Munther Bannoura | Yasmine Shalaldeh
Technician: Issam Rishmawi
Production Manager: George Matar
Producer: Marina Barham – Al-Harah Theater 2019
Funded by: Open Society Foundation through The Palestinian Performing Arts Network