“The Jewish Wife”
When hatred creeps into the daily life of people, and is fueled by the racist propaganda machine, fear grows slowly and everyone is complicit … We see “Yehudit Kate” packing her bags and preparing to leave in the hope that her husband “Fritz” stops her but he does not, he claims that she needs fresh air and can return in within weeks, he knows and she knows, and we know that it will only be a few weeks when he hands it over to the fur coat that she will only need next winter.
The Jewish wife’s play is one of Bertolt Brecht’s short plays in a series of other plays that constitute “The Misery and Horror of the Third Reich” that talks about life in the early years of Hitler’s rule of Germany.
Directed by: Shibly Al-Baw
Actors: Yasmin Shalaldeh | Emile Saba
Music: Rami Warasneh
Scenography: Jeries Abu Jaber
Light Technician: Mohamed Rawashdeh
Set Production: Muhammad Ali
Artistic Supervision: Raeda Ghazaleh
Produced by: Al-Harah Theater 2019, with the support of the Tamasi Network within the project to support youth initiatives
“Patriarchy” Play
Two in the same place and on the same ground, the force standards differ … One them created authority …. The second was forced to bow, and yet he belonged to him … Who will be chosen by the earth? Who will be chosen to leave?
Directed by: Rezeq Ibrahim
Actors: Jeries Abu Jaber | Masa’ad Ibrahim
Written by: Carol Churchill
Translation: Bayan Shabib
Scenography: Rezeq Ibrahim
Set Production: Team of the Play
Music: Fares Amin
Light Design: Mohamed Rawashdeh
Poster Design: Nizar Abu Sharara
Special Thanks: Sabine Saadeh
Movement Assistance: Rima Bransa
Artistic Supervision: Raeda Ghazaleh
Produced By: Al-Harah Theater 2019, with the support of Tamasi Network within the project to support youth initiatives
“Saeed & Saeedeh”
It is a play aimed at highlighting the fears and challenges experienced by a young man and girl at the beginning of their married life. On the first night of their wedding, and in the first minutes of their lawful absence, they live in fear of the following, which leads each of them to lay down conditions for the other about their lifestyle together and their future.
Will each of them change their living system in order to live with the other? Will they have children? And if they give birth, what is their fate in light of everything that happens around them? Will they have children to die in an artillery strike in the city? Or to be displaced to neighboring countries that will not receive them? Will they be lost between home and refuge? Or does the lack of childbearing in the first place and keeping our children in the darkness and warmth of the womb protect them from the misery of the life that awaits them?
All these and other questions revolve in our heads and we are thinking of them in reality, and not only in the imagination of the Iraqi writer Ali Abdul Nabi Al-Zaidi in his satirical comic text “Happy and Happy.”
Written by: The Iraqi Writer Ali Abd Al-Nabi Al-Zaidi
Actors: Christin Hodali | Dia Harb
Singography and Clothes: Natalie Hodali
Music: Jeries Baabish
Artistic Supervision: Raeda Ghazaleh
Technical Supervision: Issam Rishmawi
Directed by: Firas Abu Sabbah
Produced By: Al-Harah Theater 2019, with the support of the Tamasi Network within the project to support youth initiatives