Ahmed is an ordinary young man; he has many hopes and ambitions. He travelled abroad, studied, graduated and came back home to his family. However, he faced a problem which was bigger than him and his family…
An incurable disease
A disease… unaccepted by the society
A disease which threatens generations… AIDS!
Ahmed lives an internal conflict, in attempt to accept his sickness, live with it, and confront his family, friends and the society. Will he be able to do that?
Raeda Ghazaleh
Text idea:
Maisoun Al-Refa’i
The play team
Ruba Al-Bardaweel, Mirna Sakhleh, Atta Nasser, Firas Abu Sabbah, Nicola Zreineh, Riham Isaac, Osama Al-Jaberi
Issam Rishmawi
Production Manager:
Marina Barham
Produced by:
Al-Harah Theater
Supported by:
The Palestinian Ministry of Health\ Health Education Department
production supervision:
Lubna Sawalha Sader (Head of Health education department )
project coordinator:
Samah Sadel Dein (Health education department )
Medical review:
Dr. Amira Al Hindi (Head of Medical department / Ministry of health – Nablus)
Follow up:
Awatef Asaad ( Member of the national committee to fight against AIDS/ ministry of culture)
supported by:
Palestinian Ministry or health / health education department
funded by:
special thanks to:
Dr. Asaad Ramlawi / head of the national committee to fight against AIDS in Palestine.
Women Child’s Care Society / Beit Jala