An interactive lyric play based on short stories for children. During the play we are introduced to three best friends “Felfel, Sukar, and Popsi”. “Felfel” the city mouse goes to visit his friends “Sukar”, the village mouse and the dog “Popsi”. The three friends start a journey full of adventures. They start to know more about the village, its food and traditional games that have been lost in the city.
The show offers a variety of educational songs and dances in an entertaining way to deliver our educational message to the children.
Text and Director: Firas Abu Sabbah
Actors: Aws Al-Zubaidy | Munther Bannoura | Rizeq Khatib
Scenography: Issam Rishmawi | Jeries Abu Jaber
Costumes and masks: Ehab Zablah
Music Recording: Adel Atallah
Production Manager: George Matar
Produced by: Al-Harah Theater 2017