Most of the children are jealous the moment of the arrival of a “New Born Baby”, because they feel the risk of losing care. The first child always gets care from everyone around him and all his requests are accepted, all the attention is directed to him while drinking, sleeping, playing, and having fun. Suddenly he finds himself in a position that he may lose this great attention when he sees someone else in the house, the “New Born Baby”, what is he going to do?

Shadi is a six years old boy, who is waiting for the return of his mother from the hospital with a “New Born Baby”. His father notices some changes on Shadi’s behavior and an increase in his requests and questions, as if he doubts the continuity of his parents’ love.

Will the father understand this change? How will the father treat his son? Will Shadi’s behavior change? Will he adapt with a “New Born Baby” at home? 

Director:                                  Raeda Ghazaleh

Text:                                        Ibrahim Mhanna

Actors:                                    Nicola Zreineh              Mirna Sakhleh

                                                Firas Farrah                  Atta Nasser

Sound, light, video technician: Issam Rishmawi

Dramaturge:                            Mia Tornqvist

Multimedia design & production: Issam Rishmawi      Tobias Stål

Music composition:                 Wasim Qassis

Photographer:                         Firas Mukarker

Production Management:                  Marina Barham           George Matar

Produced by:                           Al-Harah Theater 2012

Special thanks: To Oscar’s family “Remembering Oscar in Palestine” project         

Marco Bonilauri

Mario Meinero

Fairouz Nustas