The play is based on a Swedish story about the journey of an apple from the tree to the winning in the competition.

 The play talks about a fruit seller who sells an old man a row apple telling him it will become red if he puts it for three hours in the sun. The fruit seller keeps a big red apple for himself to participate in a competition, but at the end the old man wins.

 How did this happen?  We will see in the play.

 It is a story that teaches children that telling the truth and honesty is the best way to success.

Director:                                                      Raeda Ghazaleh

Based on the Swedish Story written by:              Yan Lif


Ibrahim Mhanna


Nicola Zreineh

Fuad Hindiyeh

Riham Isaac

Music & Songs:                                          Victor Qawwas

Distribution and Recording of Music:        John Handal

Set & Props design and production: 

Issam Rishmawi

Gabriele Silva

Abd El- Salam Abdo

Fayrouz Nastas

Painting:                                                      Tatiana Foschi

Technician:                                                 Issam Rishmawi

Production Management:                           Marina Barham

Production:                                                Dramatic Institute /Sida