The idea of the play is based on the international story of the Brothers Grimm, Hansel and Gretel.  The story talks about two children who were living with their father and step mother.  The step mother decides to get rid of the children by losing them in the forest.

The two children find themselves alone and scared in front of a house of a witch.  The house was made from sweets and cookies.  The witch starts feeding the children harmful food from her house, junk food which weakens their bones.

The play shows the harmful effects of food that children eat regularly (like chocolates, sweets, snacks & soda drinks).  It presents the fairy character of the dog Popsi who advises children to eat healthy food that strengthens their bones and bodies, and protect them from Osteoporosis.

This show was coordinated in cooperation with the Palestinian Osteoporosis Society. (POPSI).

Written and directed by: Riham Isaac, Fuad Hindeyeh, Tamara Abu Laban

Actors:                           Riham Isaac, Mirna Sakhleh, Atta Nasser

Technician:                    Issam Rishmawi

Artistic supervision:      Raeda Ghazaleh

Medical supervision:      Dr. Elias Saba, director of Palestinian Osteoporosis Society

Production Management: Marina Barham

Produced by:                  Al-Harah Theater