
In a modest room, in an apartment building in a border area, a married couple has lived for more than seventeen years. He and she, this is how the writer of the play chose to name them. We do not know their names, but we will know a lot about them, they are very similar to many around us. A couple in a relationship that seems familiar to many. Their daily discussion begins with the same question.

The play “Kharareef” is based on an international text by the Romanian-French writer Eugene Ionesco entitled “The Bald Soprano”, which is part of the theater of the absurd. Like other plays of the absurd, the play does not present one particular issue, and does not call things by their names, but rather allows the audience’s imagination to think, analyze and search for meaning between the lines, in a satirical form.

The play seems like a realistic play at the beginning then we discover that it also talks about social and political conflicts. 

Written by: Eugène Ionesco

Director: Mohammed Eid

Dramaturge: Mirna Sakhleh

Actors: Nicola Zreineh Hadeel Takrouri Jeries Abu Jaber

Lighting Design & Sound Effects: Issam Rishmawi

Music: Wassim Qassis

Lyrics of “Kibret Al-Madineh” Song: Samer Salhi

Singer: George Ghattas

Scenography Production: Issam Rishmawi

Assistant Scenography Production: Jeries Abu Jaber

Production Management: George Matar

Produced by: Marina Barham – Al-Harah Theater 2021

Funded by: IM Swedish Development Partner 

Al-Harah Theater recycles set & props pieces from previously produced plays that were discontinued to preserve the environment, and to reduce production costs for new plays in light of the scarcity of financial resources associated with political conditional funding. Therefore, it should be noted that some of the set pieces used in “Kharareef” play were produced by the artist Mohammad Al-Ra’i. 

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